Wednesday 22 December 2010

6.4 - Review of Central Fest

Review of Central Fest

I think that the things that went well in the festival is that a lot of people were interested in everything and we thought that no one will actually come and see the art exhibition but a lot of people did come. The face painting, nail salon and the balloon’s were the biggest things that lots of people liked. There were also two big bouncy castles that were good for the children.

I think that the only thing that didn’t go so well was the faith religious talks and everything else went well.

The target audience for the festival was families with children because there were some things for the parents and some things for the children. Also there was a photo booth (jump!) activity where the families can take a photo to remember that they attended Central Fest 2010.

On the day before the festival our whole Creative Media class and the other volunteers had to help out on sorting everything out for the festival day so we are ready on the day. I helped out sorting the art room and choosing the artwork we want in the exhibition. Me and Suma sorted the art exhibition up for the next day which was the festival day. We also handed out some leaflets about the festival to the public.

On the day of the festival me, Suma, Shapla and Moushami were in charge of the art room because we were the art group. But later on me, Suma and Rubina also helped out in the film room handing out the popcorn and making it. Some of the volunteers were doing this before us then we took over for them because they needed a break from it. I also went and helped out in the bouncy castle area outside. Me and Suma gave out tea, coffee and biscuits to the volunteers and other people helping out in the festival.

The film room went quite good because a lot of people came to watch the films and cartoons that we were playing. Also we were giving out free popcorn to everyone. The refreshments room wasn’t so good because you have to pay for what you want so that is the only reason why some people didn’t go to it. On the poster of Central Fest (The festival poster) it said that there would be free food and that nothing costs money. You had to pay for the refreshments so that’s why not that many people came to that room. C4 was the busiest room because there was face painting, nail salon and balloons. This room was mostly for little children but the nail salon was for teens and older. In the next room there was dancing going on. This room wasn’t really that popular. In the next room there was a faith religious talk going on. It wasn't that popular either. In c2 there was an art exhibition going on. A lot of people went to see all the art work. These pieces of art works were from the last years art group from Central Foundation Girls School. All of the little children loved the bouncy castle. Also archery was really popular with all different people. A lot of people went to the jump photography. This was really popular with children and teenagers. When the rock band were playing lots of people were standing and watching there performance. Also lots of people were coming onto the stage and they were singing for us.

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